Thursday, January 29, 2015

Farewell to January

Keeping track of the days

The Snowball Greeting  - paper snowballs contain student's names and as each ball is opened the student is greeted.

The Shoe Greeting- everyone takes off one shoe and when a student picks up a shoe he/she has to greet the owner.

A virtual field trip to the zoo in Kansas with the afternoon group.  We got to see the animals depicted in Jan Brett's The Mitten.

using little sponges and chalkboards to create letters

playing The Sequence Game

walking on the balance beam

"lumbering bears" in The Mitten

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Joy in January This week we played lots of games involving counting and determining more, less and equal amounts.


Playing a more or less game

Rolling dice and stamping away to see which animal or number was the winner

creating a scene for our vehicles

sorting animal pictures according to habitat

after listening to a story about animals in winter we acted out some options  --check out our

hibernating groundhogs

singing one of our favorite songs ABC

dramatic play is always a fun place to be

eating lunch in the cafeteria

Thursday, January 8, 2015

happy new year!

It didn't take long for students to reconnect after the holiday break and just enjoy being with one another.   We welcome a new student, Ezra, to our Tuesday/Thursday class.  We're so glad he has joined us.

This week we explored some wooden pieces that contain  big lines, little lines, big curves and little curves.  These pieces create captial letters and right now we're having fun putting them together to see what we discover.

We also have been enjoying some mystery counting bags at table time. 

Our sensory table now has some beautifully colored rice.  Ask your child how we changed plain white rice into an intersting rainbow of colors.

using wooden pieces to create letters

Do we look like unicorns?  We checked out the big wooden lines and put them in all different positions.

We're changing the white rice into those great colors.

We're adding the colored rice to the sensory table.

In PE we did some motor planning to get by Mr. Sherwin .

In music we listened carefully to the sounds made by hitting these tubes.