Thursday, March 26, 2015

Spring is here for now!

This week we were busy putting the components of a book together about ourselves. We also enjoyed the teasing temperatures of spring and got outside without boots on the dry sidewalks.  

I look forward to seeing you at our parent-teacher conferences next week to share the books with you and the progress your child has made.

making water color spring flowers

sidewalk drawing

playing hopscotch outdoors

check out our Mat Men!

driving the boat in open water

checking out the super-hero alphapbet book

drawing pictures for our book

creating self portraits

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Letters/Letters Everywhere!

 using cars to travel around letters

writing letters in the sand

making playdough letters

using shaving cream to make letters-- how fun!

going fishing for letters

playing musical chairs with a twist

when the music stops everyone finds a chair and writes a letter

we had a leprechaun come to our class!

counting out the gold coins from the leprechauns

visiting the first grade planetarium

 going to the Spanish Mercardo (market)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Marching along!

Who do you see sitting in the tree?  We have been learning about forest animals who live above the snow, on the snow and under the snow.

Making animal tracks with stamps and with toy animals.

playing with animal puppets

turning and talking to a partner during circle time

we sang Mat Man and built one at circle time

practicing balancing with partners

jumping over the lines

The Tuesday/Thursday group has 2nd grade buddies for our Spanish time.  We are learning about colors, shapes and names of healthy food.

2nd grade buddies helping us learn

Scenes from library time

This week we wrote B's and R's (both frog jump letters that start at the top, go down and back up) and we sorted toys that began with those sounds.