Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Green Up!

This week we planted some special house plants for Mother's Day.  We hope you appreciate them for years to come.

Keep in mind the upcoming events:

Wednesday, May 31st - potluck for PreK from 5:30-7pm.  Please send in form if you have not already done so. 

Thursday, June 1st - Talent Show at 6PM.  Preschoolers will go on first.  If that works out for you it would be great.

Thursday, June 15th - Last Day for Pre-K

Sitting in our bird's nest drawing what we see

Drawing and writing in our outdoor classroom

Having fun with marbleworks

Library time

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Learning about plants and birds

This week we continued our study of plants, their parts and what they needed to grow.
We also have been studying about birds and identifying them by their specific songs and unique coloring/

Please check out the dates of special events coming up and note that we have been invited to participate in the Talent Show on June 1st at 6pm. PreK will perform first.

Checking out the birds


Dissecting flowers with a partner

Designs from dissected flowers

Fun with marble tracks

Marble tracks with playdough letters

Sand letters

Letters using a magic pad