Thursday, April 30, 2015

Back to school


And tunnels

Construction outside our classroom

Checking out the process of building a sandbox.

Designs and fences 

Playing memory

A visit from first grade readers

A visit from students all the way from Thailand.

Tuesday /Thursday group earns a tree ring.

Kellogg Hubbard library comes to us!

Green up day workers take a break

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Loving Literature. This week we had many opportunities to explore some great books. Check out the scenes below. A reminder to those of you who have children in prekindergarten next year to send in the forms saving a spot.

Enjoying a quiet moment with a favorite book

A Night at the library

First graders came down to read Dr. Seuss books to us.

Fishing for letters

"Nice to see" you greeting

Dressing up as a favorite character
Have a great vacation!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fairy Tales Come Alive! This week we continued to have fun exploring some classic fairy tales. I wanted to give you a head's up about a fun Pre-K family night. Save the date: May 28th 5:30-7pm More Details to follow.

acting out The Three Billy Goat's Gruff-- check out the trolls

The Three Bears are checking out the chairs and noticed that Goldilocks broke one.

Goldilocks is sampling the porridge.

Baby bear was surprised to find Goldilocks in his bed.

playing a math game involving Little Red Riding Hood getting to her grandma's house

enjoying a quiet time at the library

singing Miss Mary Mack

enjoying spring in Vermont